Considering how effective and determined they are about offers such 'as buy one, get one half price' etc I find it difficult and annoying that they don't apply the same level of effort to making the area plastic bag free.
The reality is that shop assistants and staff, driven by a lack of managerial political will and a negative consideration of the environment are perpetuating the production and free distribution of plastic bags.
Even when the bags were not on display the assitants were still offering them up keenly and I had to almost fight to not have my shopping put in new bags.
- Sainsbury's should lead the way responsibly and pro-actively.
- They should remove platic bags from view
- They should have their staff to say - 'please re-use these bags' - if they do hand them out.
- They should encourage people to bring bags back at the next shop (often the following day).
- Kilburn Sainsbury's and others should have the bag recycling point restored.
- They should stop abdicating their responsibility.
I think the time is looming for some direct action to shame sainsbury's into action - their ongoing sustatined and deliberate trashing of the environment cannot carry on like this.
I shop in Kilburn Sainsburys and take re-usable bags.. for each one I use I get extra nectar points! But not all the staff point that out, it's not much of an incentive but better than nothing.
Bag re-using is an important subject which Sainsburys take seriously, having a couple of bags out on express till is perfectly fine.
The luch time work customers don't want to spend time thinking about re-using bags when on their half an hour lunch break. would you?
I work for Sainsburys as a customer service assistant I feel as though you are not only picking on certain stores e.g being Kilburn. But picking on Sainsburys as a whole, Sainsburys is dedicated to re-using bags and we have reduced the number of plastic bags being used by x 1 25,000 flat crates a month that must be an achievement in it self!
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