Saturday 18 July 2009

One of the more unlikely promotions for a preference...

It's the annual assessment by blog readers of the poltical blogs that are out on the market.

Last year I came in at 24th on the Lib Dem register... I can't deny being a tad touched :-)

So here's the link for the details on how to particpate.

I try and keep this blog party politics free and instead have opted for a pretty pure form of local and community politics (I hope).

So over to you readers - here's the link:

The rules are simple.

1. You must vote for your ten favourite blogs and rank them from 1 (your favourite) to 10 (your tenth favourite).
2. Your votes must be ranked from 1 to 10. Any votes which do not have rankings will not be counted.
3. You MUST include ten blogs. If you include fewer than ten your vote will not count.
2. Email your vote to
3. Only vote once.
4. Only blogs based in the UK, run by UK residents, or based on UK politics, are eligible.
5. Anonymous votes left in the comments will not count. You must give a name.
6. All votes must be received by midnight on 31 July 2009. Any votes received after that date will not count.

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