Friday 7 August 2009

Thanks to all the residents who won this campaign

The news is out that Hampstead police Station is to stay open for now - the recession as well as the political and residential pressure finally won the day.

There is, as the Ham and High wisely observes, a queue of people wanting to take the personal credit.

I'm highlighting one elderly resident here who was a resident in the days when Police Officers lived in the station from 1915-1922: Marguerite Greenland. The station was built in 1913.

The story here is that the canmpaign has been going on for a long time - over 8 years at least, and the current concern blew up in 2005 - since then and indeed since this piece of coverage - Mrs Greenland has passed away. But this post is a small thank-you to her and all the residents who joined the campaign.

It was a success - for now. Thanks again. Ed

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