And sure enough up on Parliament Hill is the answer...
This house right at the top of the road is the house - currently a multi-occ house. it got me thinking about what it was like when orwell lived there - was it a student house, rented to 6-8 people who didn't really know each other, who just perched here in one of london's many student houses... he would have been 30-32 years old.
This is the house where he is credited with writing 'Keep the apidistra flying' and the plaque at South End Green hints at my hunch that this was a place of residence for say 9-18 months before he moved on...
I've been to the Red Lion in Willingdon, stayed in a house on the Beech Hill estate Wigan,and drank tea in a Burmese tea house.
That should be Burmese tea shop.
Orwell spent his formative years in Henley-on-Thames so I may well be able to check that out during the bye-election.
For thiose missing the joke this is a good reference to orwellian biography - here's a more lucrative form of it
Burma is no joke Mr Fordham.Life there for many is real hardship.
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